As of 2024, the estimated world population is approximately 8.2 billion people and growing to a projected 9.4-11.0 billion in 2100 1.
Recent trends suggest, however, that the UN may be underestimating future population growth in Africa 3. See our additional analysis of world population.
The arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic had significant effect on energy demand.
The decline in energy demand may be temporary.
Before the pandemic, the IEA forecast energy and emissions to 2040 as follows.
World energy, both overall and on a per capta basis, has grown significantly over the last few decades.
To estimate future energy demand, using the median UN population estimate, we consider what will happen if overall energy demand stays fixed, if per capita energy consumption stays fixed, if per capita energy consumption continues to grow linearly as it did from 1965-2014, if the average person in the future consumes like the average German today, and if the average person in the future consumes like the average American today.
In the following, we examine the top eight energy-consuming countries in 2014, together with Africa. If the average UN population estimate holds in 2050 and the 1987-2017 trend in per capita energy consumption holds, the following energy consumption in 2050 is expected.
Under this scenario, per capita energy forecasts will evolve as follows.
In 2018, world GDP was estimated at about $121 trillion on a purchasing-power-parity (PPP) (2011 dollars) 7, 8. The economic energy efficiency of the world economy is the monetary output per unit energy, and this figure was over $200 per gigajoule in 2018. It has increased by over 50% since 1990, indicating both that more economic activity is generated for each unit of energy, and that efficiency is improving over time.
The world economy may triple from 2015 to 2050 10. If the 1990-2018 average annual percentage increase in efficiency continues to 2050, then the world's energy will generate $312 per GJ, but the world energy demand will be 987 exajoules, nearly 70% more than today's value.
Economic energy efficiency varies by country. The following shows efficiency for selected countries in 1990 and in 2018, using PPP.
Economic energy efficiency is driven by several factors: technical efficiency, the design of cities, climate, personal behavior, and the composition of the economy 11. For individual countries, trade of energy-intensive products can affect observed efficiency 12. Some of the observed improvement in energy efficiency is the result of switching to higher quality fuels 13, 14. In general, the efficiency metric covers many factors that are unrelated to technical energy efficiency 15.
The above figures measure economic energy efficiency by considering modern forms of energy. The historical pattern is that efficiency tends to rise as a country industrializes, and after that it falls 16. However, if the energy inherent in biomass (e.g. crops, firewood) is also included, then the pattern is that energy intensity falls even in the early stages of industrialization 17, 16.
Environmental impacts can be understood as the result of several forces: rising population and wealth tend to increase impacts, while improved technology decreases impacts. The IPAT (Impact = Population × Affluence × Technology) formula quantifies these three tendencies. As Chertow (2000) 18 recounts, the precise origin of IPAT is difficult to determine. Ehrlich and Holdren (1970) 19 presented an early formulation I=PF, in which I is some measured impact, P is population, and F indicates impact per capita. They find that across numerous types of impacts, population has a greater role in overall impact than impact per capita, or that the two terms are comparable.
Much of the early debate with IPAT was between Ehrlich and Holdren on one side, who argued that population and affluence were the more significant factors in environmental impacts, and Barry Commoner on the other side who argued that technology was the more significant factor, and that environmental policy would best focus on improving technology. Commoner (1972) 20 made early use of the IPAT equation in its present form.
Related to IPAT, greenhouse gas emissions from energy can be expressed with the Kaya identity: Emissions = Population × Affluence × Energy Intensity × Greenhouse Gas Intensity of Emissions 21. World trends since 1990 are as follows.
Compared to the world, the United States has seen slower population and GDP growth and faster improvements to energy intensity and carbon intensity of energy. As a result, US emissions appear to have peaked in 2007 and are close to 1990 levels.
Energy intensity is driven by several factors: technical efficiency, urban design, climate, personal behavior, and the composition of the economy 11. For individual countries, trade of energy-intensive products can affect observed intensity 12. Some of the observed improvement in intensity is the result of switching to higher quality fuels 13, 14. In general, the efficiency metric covers many factors that are unrelated to technical energy efficiency 15.
On a world basis, factors other than energy intensity become somewhat less important than on a national basis.
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