Disposing of nuclear waste is inexpensive relative to the cost of nuclear power, but it is an issue that needs to be resolved.
Most nuclear waste, by volume, is low-level waste, such as contaminated clothing. By radioactivity, most is high-level waste: spent fuel, fission products, and the transuranic elements that result from neutron bombardment of uranium.
Low- and intermediate- level waste, possibly after being stored on-site for a time to allow the most radioactive products to decay, is disposed of at a low-level waste disposal site, of which there are eight in the United States 2. High-level waste is stored in spent fuel pools, typically for five years, and then dry casks onsite while the most radioactive products decay 2. The United States lacks a permanent solution to high-level waste, such as the geologic disposal that was proposed at Yucca Mountain.
The most dangerous components of high level waste decay within decades, but the material remains dangerously radioactive for tens of thousands of years, necessitating a long-term disposal solution.
The nuclear industry needs to develop long-term solutions for waste management. There are several inexpensive options available relative to the cost of electricity.
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