
Hydroelectric power harnesses the kinetic energy of falling water in a river for electricity production. In this section, we focus specifically on dammed rivers.

Economics and Future Potential

The cost of hydroelectric power is highly variable and site specific.

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The threshold between small and large hydro varies by source and is typically between 10 and 50 megawatts of capacity. Source: International Renewable Energy Agency (1 and 2), Logan et al. 3, OpenEI, 4, Salvatore et al. 5, Energy Information Administration 6.

Hydropower is highly capital intensive, with operations and maintenance comprising only 2-2.5% of the total cost 1. Generally, projects in remote areas or that otherwise have logistical challenges are more expensive, as are smaller projects. Cost estimates are complicated by the fact that dams often have additional economic functions, such as irrigation and flood control, which can be worth 4-100% of the electricity the dam produces 7.

As a mature technology, there are no clear pathways for significant cost reduction in hydropower other than general improvements in civil engineering 1. Despite their maturity, the American and world hydro industries still have potential to grow.

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Current, economic, and technical potential for hydropower in the United States and in the world. Technical potential is the maximum amount of hydropower that can be extracted with current technology; economic potential the maximum feasible production that is economically viable under current conditions. Sources: Deng et al. 8, International Energy Agency 9, World Energy Council 10.

A more recent estimate is that there are 3,600 TWh of annual hydropower capacity in the world can produced at a levelized cost of less than 10 cents/kWh 11, about 12% of current world electricity.

In the United States and globally, pumped hydro comprises 13-20% of all hydro installation.

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Hydropower can be used for pumping water as energy storage or as energy production. Sources: Department of Energy 12 for the United States, International Hydropower Association 13 for the world.

Environmental and Social Impact

Like the economic impact, the environmental and social impacts of hydroelectricity are highly site specific, and it is difficult to generalize to all projects. Major impacts include the following:

  • loss of biodiversity 14,
  • damage to local ecology, particularly by impeding the flow of a river,
  • climate impacts of the construction and operation of a dam,
  • displacement of communities and agriculture through flooding,
  • loss of archeological heritage 15,
  • risk of a catastrophic failure.

The following internal and external costs of hydropower are estimated.

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Sources: Sheridan 16, Tajziehchi et al. 17, Bruckner et al. 18, Kumar et al. 19, Mattmann et al. 20.

Small hydro generally has higher environmental costs per-kWh than large hydro 21, 22, 23, 24. Run-of-river hydropower, which operates with little or no energy storage in the form of a reservoir, tends to have lower environmental impacts but still disrupts riverine ecosystems 25.

The biodiversity impact of hydropower varies widely. The most impactful economic sites that are not yet developed have over 1.4 million times the impact as the least impactful sites 26. Of the remaining potential, 0.3% accounts for 25% of the terrestrial ecosystem impact, and 3.9% of the potential accounts for 51% of the ecosystem impact.

Dam Removal

As of 2011, less than 1% of dams in the United States were under consideration for removal 27. The economic value of a dam decreases over time as the reservoir becomes silted, and sometimes removal is deemed to be a more sensible option than further maintenance, especially when the biodiversity costs of dams are considered 27.

Fish ladders, which allow fish to travel past a dam, are a partial solution.

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Source: 28.

For some species, fish ladders do not work very well; less than 3% of American shad successfully pass from the first dam to spawning grounds on three large rivers on the Atlantic coast 29.

Cost of Dam Removal
Dam Decommissioning Fund


  1. International Renewable Energy Agency. "Hydropower". Renewable Energy Technologies: Cost Analysis Series, Volume 1: Power Sector. June 2012. 2 3

  2. International Renewable Energy Agency. "Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2017". January 2018.

  3. Logan, J. et al. "Electricity Generation Baseline Report". National Renewable Energy Laboratory. January 2017.

  4. OpenEI. "Transparent Cost Database". Accessed May 11, 2019.

  5. Salvatore, J. et al. "Cost of Energy Technologies". World Energy Council, with Bloomberg New Energy Finance. 2013.

  6. U.S. Energy Information Administration. "Levelized Cost and Levelized Avoided Cost of New Generation". February 2019.

  7. International Finance Corporation. "Hydroelectric Power: A Guide for Developers and Investors". World Bank Group. February 2015.

  8. Deng, Y. et al. "Quantifying a realistic, worldwide wind and solar electricity supply". Global Environmental Change 31, pp. 239-252. March 2015.

  9. International Energy Agency. "Renewable Energy Essentials: Hydropower, 2010". 2010.

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  12. U.S. Department of Energy. "Hydropower Vision". July 2016.

  13. International Hydropower Association. "2019 Hydropower Status Report". May 2019.

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  15. Égré, D., Senécal, P. "Social impact assessments of large dams throughout the world: lessons learned over two decades". Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 21(3), pp. 215-224. February 2012.

  16. Sheridan, B. "Social cost of electricity generation: a quantification and comparison between energy sources within PJM interconnection". Masters Thesis, University of Delaware, Department of Marine Studies. 2013.

  17. Tajziehchi, S., Monavari, S. M., Karbassi, A. R., Shariat, S. M., Khorasani, N. "Quantification of Social Impacts of Large Hydropower Dams- a case study of Alborz Dam in Mazandaran Province, Northern Iran". International Journal of Environmental Research 7(2): 377-382. Spring 2013.

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  19. Kumar, A., T. Schei, A. Ahenkorah, R. Caceres Rodriguez, J.-M. Devernay, M. Freitas, D. Hall, Å. Killingtveit, Z. Liu,. "2011: Hydropower". IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation [O. Edenhofer, R. Pichs-Madruga, Y. Sokona, K. Seyboth, P. Matschoss, S. Kadner, T. Zwickel, P. Eickemeier, G. Hansen, S. Schlömer, C. von Stechow (eds)], Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.

  20. Mattmann, M., Logar, I., Brouwer, R. "Hydropower externalities: A meta-analysis". Energy Economics 57, pp. 66-77. June 2016.

  21. Bakken, T., Sundt, H., Ruud, A., Harby, A. "Development of Small Versus Large Hydropower in Norway– Comparison of Environmental Impacts". Energy Procedia 20, pp. 185-199. 2012.

  22. Kibler, K., Tullos, D. "Cumulative biophysical impact of small and large hydropower development in Nu River, China". Water Resources Research 49(6), pp. 3104-3118. April 2013.

  23. Kuby, M., Fagan, W., ReVelle, C., Graf, W. "A multiobjective optimization model for dam removal: an example trading off salmon passage with hydropower and water storage in the Willamette basin". Advanced in Water Resources 28(8), pp. 845-855. August 2005.

  24. Mayor, B., Rodríguez-Muñoz, I., Villarroya, F., Montero, E., López-Gunn, E. "The Role of Large and Small Scale Hydropower for Energy and Water Security in the Spanish Duero Basin". Sustainability 9(10), 1807. October 2017.

  25. Anderson, D., Moggridge, H., Warren, P., Shucksmith, J. "The impacts of ‘run‐of‐river’ hydropower on the physical and ecological condition of rivers". Water and Environment Journal 29(2), pp. 268-276. June 2015.

  26. Dorber, M., Arvesen, A., Gernaat, D., Verones , F. "Controlling biodiversity impacts of future global hydropower reservoirs by strategic site selection". Scientific Reports 10: 21777. December 2020.

  27. Cho, R. "Removing Dams and Restoring Rivers". Columbia Climate School. August 2011. 2

  28. Hershey, H. "Updating the consensus on fishway efficiency: A meta-analysis". Fish and Fisheries 22(4), pp. 735-748. March 2021.

  29. Brown, J. J., Limburg, K. E., Waldman, J. R., Stephenson, K., Glenn, E. P., Juanes, F., Jordaan, A. "Fish and hydropower on the U.S. Atlantic coast: failed fisheries policies from half-way technologies". Conservation Letters 6(4), pp. 280-286. July/August 2013.