We recommend research and development programs into concentrated solar, advanced solar cells, and luminescent solar concentrators, but not space-based solar power. These solutions are detailed below.
While there are outliers, utility-scale solar photovoltaics typically produce power at a competitive 4-6 ¢/kWh. Solar PV technologies that are still under development, such as organic PV and perovskites, may achieve this range as well.
Following are estimated costs of concentrated solar power, distributed solar, and several emerging and speculative non-PV technologies.
Distributed (e.g. rooftop) solar has the advantage of not requiring dedicated land, but the costs of installation logistics and grid management are higher. In the United States, rooftop solar could in theory provide 1432 terawatt-hours 16, of which 297 TWh would be economical 17. These figures are 34% and 7% of U.S. electricity production, respectively 18. About a third of US solar comes from distributed sources 19.
As the price of solar cells decreases, soft (non-hardware) costs of the system become more important.
Distributed energy sources complete in the retail electricity market, not the wholesale market, and thus the threshhold for grid parity is higher. In 2015, Deutsche Bank found that rooftop solar has achieved grid parity in half the countries surveyed and 14 U.S. states 21.
Regulatory reforms could cut US solar soft costs. A residential solar installation in the United States is over twice as expensive as in Australia, due primarily to the lengthier and costlier installation process mandated by the U.S. National Electrical Code, as well as higher U.S. permitting costs 22.
Several pilot projects have been attempted placing solar panels on roadways. Test results have been disappointing and the concept is not likely to be feasible 23.
Solar power shows the following median environmental impacts.
To put the land use issue into perspective, supplying all the electricity demand of the United States with solar power would require about 33,000 square kilometers, or 0.4% of all land in the U.S. 28. This is close to what is currently disturbed by coal mining, less than the area taken by major roads, and about half of what is devoted to growing corn ethanol 28.
The manufacture of solar cells requires toxic heavy metals and imposes local habitat disruption 29. There are additional costs, unquantified above, in the disposal of panels at the end of their life 30. The aluminum to manufacture solar panels has been estimated to carry a greenhouse gas gost of about 2.2 g/kWh, about 0.011 ¢/kWh at $50/ton, assuming the panels last for 20 years and operate at 30% capacity factor 31.
Due to the intermittent nature of solar power, grid integration costs have been estimated at 1.5 ¢/kWh 32.
As the volume of wind and solar power in the energy mix grows, political opposition has grown as well. In January 2025, the second Trump administration instituted a pause on permitting of wind and solar projects on federal land in the United States 33.
A solar thermal plant, including concentrating solar power (CSP), concentrates sunlight for the production of heat, which can then be used either directly for industrial applications or to generate electricity. As of 2018, there is about 1.5% as much solar thermal electrical generation capacity as solar PV 34. Modern CSP plants include thermal storage, often in the form of molten salt, to reduce intermittency 35.
A solar thermal plant can produce heat for industrial processes. Modern solar thermal could, in priciple, supply up to about half of industrial heat demand, though at significantly higher cost than fossil fuel options. Higher temperature CSP plants for direct heat, which would be suitable for metallic minerals and thermochemical hydrogen production, are under development 36.
Interest in solar thermal has diminished due to the decrease in PV prices. Even with subsidies, CSP is not competitive in the United States 28. By its nature, CSP installations need to be large to be economical. This makes it difficult for private investors to build experimental projects, and a significant public R&D gap is in building pilot projects to test new designs 28.
The SunShot Vision study recognizes that their aggressive cost reduction goals may require commercialization of new technologies 37. As the cells themselves are now a small portion of the cost of a solar installation, the most important advances in solar cell technology are improved efficiency to reduce system costs.
The following are state of the art solar cell efficiencies, current efficiencies for utility solar, current efficiencies for distributed solar, and conversion efficiency of plants to bioenergy.
The dominant commercial solar technology is crystalline silicon, while CdTe (cadmium telluride), CIGS (copper indium gallium selenide), and amorphous silicon are the main thin film technologies. Multijunction cells are used in spacecraft and concentrator photovoltaics.
Any solar technology that relies on rare materials may be unable to scale to provide a large fraction of the world's electricity. Therefore, R&D should emphasize technologies that use Earth-abundant materials, such as CZTS (copper zinc tin sulfide), rather than tellerium, gallium, indium, or selenium 28. Among solar technologies under development, perovskites have advanced rapidly and may be the most promising 42, with a potential LCOE of 3.5-4.9 ¢/kWh 43.
There are several advanced solar concepts under development. See also our analysis of space-based solar power in the context of resources from space.
Concentrating PV (CPV) is a method of solar energy capture in which an optical device concentrates sunlight at a rate of anywhere from 2-1200 suns onto a high-efficiency photovoltaic cell. Multijunction cells, which harvest a larger portion of the solar spectrum, may achieve efficiencies as high as 50% 44, saving land relative to conventional PV 45. The long-term economics may be more promising than conventional PV 12, but deployment has fallen since 2014 46. Challenges include reliability of the optics and the tracking system and longevity of cells under high radiation 45.
For a large-scale CPV industry, availability of germanium for high-efficiency multijunction cells may also be an issue 12.
A luminescent solar concentrator (LSC, also called building-integrated solar) is a flat device that collects solar energy and redirects it to a solar cell. Unlike traditional solar collectors, an LSC can function with diffuse sunlight. This allows harvesting of energy on cloudy days, dispensing of tracking systems, and reduction of intermittency 47. LSC could be especially useful in building integration 48. The technology is not yet commercially available.
A solar updraft tower is a proposed design that uses concentrated sunlight to heat the air in a base structure, causing the air to rise through a chimney and turn a turbine. After the failed Manzanares experiment in the 1980s, there have been no physical prototypes 49.
Detailed IEEE Spectrum article on JAXA's space solar program.
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