Nuclear power is the extraction of energy from fission of heavy atomic nuclei, as opposed to fusion. Here we assess the economic and environmental impact of today's nuclear technology and consider the prospects of future forms.
We recommend further research and development into advanced reactors and small modular reactors, discussed below.
The following portrays estimates of the cost of today's nuclear technology and possible future technologies.
Factors that affect the costs of nuclear power include management issues, safety regulation, and commodity prices 16. The long construction times, risk of cost overruns, and high capital costs make nuclear power especially difficult to finance. Nuclear costs also vary considerably by country.
The cost breakdown of a typical nuclear plant is estimated as follows.
Under today's conditions, nuclear plants require some form of revenue certainty to be economically competitive 16. A capacity market, which would pay operators for dispatchable capacity to insure grid reliability, would also help nuclear economics 16, but the industry's long-term viability requires cost reduction.
Poltical decentralization--the sepearation of authority across levels of government, such as federal, state, and local governance in the United States--is associated with higher nuclear plant costs 19.
While there is no apparent prospect of a shortage of terrestrial uranium reserves on the horizon, the possibility of recovering uranium from seawater would serve as a backstop against major price increases and insure sufficient supply in the event of an expansion of nuclear power.
The development of fast breeder reactors, which use uranium fuel much more efficiently, or thorium reactors, could allow an expansion of nuclear power without pressuring reserves 24. However, uranium would have to reach a price of about $400/kg for the thorium cycle to be cost-competitive 20.
Nuclear power has the following estimated externalized health and environmental costs. See also our analysis of disposal of nuclear waste.
It would be physically impossible for a nuclear power plant, even if deliberately attacked, to explode like an atomic bomb 30. Reactors in the United States use water for cooling, rather than graphite, also making the level of deadly release of radiation as seen in the 1986 Chernobyl disaster extremely unlikely, including in the event of an earthquake or a plane crash 30. There is ongoing risk, not yet realized as of December 2022, that the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine could release radiation as a result of the war 31.
Experts are divided on the risk of nuclear weapons proliferation that may result from nuclear power. It is difficult, though not impossible, to repurpose civilian enrichment facilities for weapons production 32. Historically, states with civilian nuclear programs have not been more likely to develop weapons than those without 33.
Small modular reactors (SMR) are typically defined to have under 300 MW electrical capacity, in contrast to the typical 1000 MW or more of modern nuclear power plants, and they may allow components to be mass-produced and assembled onsite. While SMRs do not offer a clear advantage on cost of electricity, they may reduce construction time, capital risk, and be more attractive for smaller grids 34. Through reduced need for backup power supply, improved seismic capability, and large underground pool storage for spent fuel, the risk of the type of failure seen at Fukushima Daiichi would be reduced 12.
The International Atomic Energy Agency has tracked 55 ongoing SMR projects, of which 19 have the following projected commercialization dates.
The nuclear industry is developing a set of new reactor designs which collectively are known as Generation IV. They are expected to be commercially available after 2030. The Generation IV Forum has identified six leading reactor candidates 36. The following shows the main rationale 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, current status of research projects 43, and estimated Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 44. The TRL is measured on a scale from 1, indicating a technology that is only at a conceptual stage, to 9, indicating a technology that is commercially deployed in its final form.
The Breakthrough Institute has identified safety, modularity, thermal efficiency, and technological readiness as the main criteria for reactor designs. They have determined high-temperature gas-cooled reactors--particularly for thermal applications--sodium-cooled and lead-cooled factor reactors, and molten salt reactors as most promising, and gas-cooled fast reactors and supercritical water reactors less promising 45.
Despite its potential, worldwide and in many wealthy countries, nuclear power has stagnated behind other clean energy sources. There are many reasons for this. They include exaggerated public fears about the dangers of radition release, together with an unrealistic expectation of the improbability of a release, both misconceptions promoted by the nuclear establishment itself; excessive and overly prescriptive regulation; and a lack of innovation in the industry 46. Addressing these barriers will be very difficult, but we propose some approaches to doing so as follows.
The Economist's overview of the Generation IV Roadmap.
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